The enormous progress in nanomaterials development and their use, followed by their inevitable environmental print, has arisen the emerging questions concerning their influence to the living systems. Honey bees are considered to be quite a suitable model system for the risk assessment and prediction of various external influences. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study dealing with the influence of fullerenol nanoparticles (FNP), a biodegradable carbon nanomaterials’ representative, to honey bees. This investigation was conducted with an aim to merge two different open-ended questions: the potential toxic effect of FNP to the bees on the one hand and antioxidative effect of FNP on the other hand. Since FNP antioxidative properties were proved in a number of in vivo models, we hypothesized the similar outcomes, and according to this assumption, we opted for paraquat as a well-known oxidative stress inducer. FNP did not have toxic effect in none of investigated concentrations. The results also confirmed the potential of FNP to reduce oxidative stress through the gene expression of antioxidative enzymes and the change in the redox state of the cells. Additional experiments are needed for a better understanding of the exact mechanism and complex patterns of FNP’s activity.
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